Fitness tips, Healthy Eating

Chasing Celebrity Looks: Healthy Habits to Get A-List Results

Healthy eating habits

Celebrities are driving trends more than ever before. From breast augmentation to salmon sperm facials, the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok means one image or video can kickstart a new must-have product or procedure. 

But there’s a downside to this, and that’s the increasing demand and pressure that young people are putting themselves under to keep up with the latest looks. It’s a demand that’s expensive and sometimes even dangerous. With that in mind, here are three areas of your life where you can make healthy changes while also getting closer to that A-list celeb look.


Body positivity has never been more hotly discussed, but that doesn’t mean that famous faces aren’t still guilty of leaving people feeling the need to look a certain shape or size. Firstly, everyone should strive to feel comfortable within their own skin, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be inspired by the perfect physiques often seen on the red carpet.

For women, currently it’s desirable to flaunt a skinny waist and a big bum, while for guys it’s all about the chiselled abs and big biceps. If this is true for you, exercise is the most obvious answer here. But it also requires the most commitment and a long-term approach which is why many opt for quicker wins like surgical enhancements.

Today there are many tips online for how to smash the gym, what you should be doing at the gym and the different types of training. But the most important thing is maintaining consistency, so it’s vital to choose an exercise programme that you find enjoyable. That might be going to a gym, joining a sports team, or taking up a hobby like running or cycling.

Focusing on cardio activities that increase the heart rate will help to shed unwanted fat while strength training will help build muscle mass.


You are what you eat is an old saying, but with good reason. Your exercise regime is only half the battle when it comes to improving your physique and for many, it’s the easy part. The harder challenge often comes with maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. But if you can maintain discipline in the kitchen, you’ll be rewarded with many benefits.

First, it’ll help with your body goals whether you’re focused on losing or gaining weight. Following a calorie surplus or deficit is key here, but it’s not the only factor. For instance, maintaining a calorie surplus but consuming too much fat won’t help you to gain muscle.

If you’re trying to gain weight, focus on protein and healthy fats. Some of the best meals for muscle gain are:

  • Chicken and chorizo paella
  • Chicken burrito bowl
  • Salmon poke bowl
  • Tuna pasta salad
  • Chickpea stew

If you’re trying to lose weight, the healthiest way is to cut down on your sugar and saturated fats. Some of the best meals for losing weight include:

  • Lentil soup
  • Salmon salad
  • Chickpea wraps
  • Cauliflower curry
  • Linguine with avocado and tomato

On top of helping you get that Hollywood figure, your diet can help with other sought-after benefits. Foods such as salmon, tuna, avocados, and sweet potatoes can also help the appearance of your skin. Similarly, avoiding treats like candy, fizzy drinks, and chips will help you get those pearly whites without undergoing any risky procedures.


One of the most underrated activities when chasing aesthetic improvements is sleep. Sleep is linked to weight, skin, and hair which makes it somewhat of a cheat code when it comes to keeping up with the latest must-have appearance.

Relationship between sleep and weight

Studies suggest there’s a relationship between getting less than the recommended six hours and a higher body mass index (BMI). That’s because sleep is linked to the hormones that can control your appetite, and a lack of sleep can cause you to be hungrier. Not to mention you’ll find it much harder to make disciplined life choices if operating on little sleep.

Relationship between sleep and skin 

Sleep helps to regulate the body’s production of oil in the skin, too much oil leads to breakouts while not enough can lead to dry skin – neither of which has ever been a trend with the A-list celebs. That’s not to mention the bags and tired eyes that occur from a lack of sleep. Again, it’s not a look that any celebrities are striving for.

Relationship between sleep and hair 

Sleep offers a chance for your whole body to rest, recover and repair, and this includes your hair and scalp. Getting high-quality sleep and the recommended eight hours a night can help maintain hair health and promote hair growth. This will help when trying to copy the luscious locks that are flaunted by movie stars and musicians.


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