5 Reasons Why You Might Want to Take Multivitamin Supplement

We all want perfect health. However, it is one of the most elusive goals we pursue. Despite eating clean foods and living a healthy lifestyle, many are still unhealthy.
Research has it that a large percentage of the adult population worldwide, particularly Indian and Asia, have some form of nutrient deficiency. In fact, up to nine out of ten individuals suffer the lack of one or more micronutrients or macronutrients. Also over 90 percent of Americans have some form of nutrient deficiency. Put differently, nine out of 10 Americans miss one or so micronutrients or macronutrients.
Are you among the little group who enjoys perfect health? That probability is low. Otherwise, you’d not be here searching for reasons why you might want to take multivitamin supplements.
Of deeper concern are micronutrients. If you wonder what micronutrients are, they are substances your body needs in tiny amounts but are physiologically essential to life. Most nutrient deficiencies involve various letter vitamins and other related substances.
Certain conditions that are beyond your control may also lead to micronutrient deficiency. The great news is that you can easily fill the gaps in your nutritional profile by taking multivitamin tablets.
Reasons for Taking Multivitamin Supplements
Before delving into each reason, here are the reasons at a glance.
- You are on dietary restrictions
- You are in a special age group
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby
- You are on a “normal” diet
- Living in a toxin-laden environment
I guess you can already appreciate where you are according to the summary list. Now, let’s discuss each of these reasons in greater detail.
- Dietary Restrictions
Several conditions can force you to cut down on certain food types. For instance, you won’t continue with a carbohydrate-rich diet if you have trouble managing your blood sugar. Think also about those suffering from peptic ulcer disease.
Besides, certain genetically determined conditions such as gluten sensitivity or intolerance to dairy products can exclude certain foods from your diet.
At times, it may just be a personal choice to follow certain diets. For example, those on paleo, vegan, or keto diets are restricted to particular types of food.
Vegetarians and vegans suffer from a deficiency in vitamin B12, zinc, iron, and iodine. Similarly, those on diary-free and paleo diets have fewer sources of calcium and vitamin D.
You can see that such people may think they are on a healthy diet, but they are mission out in vital vitamins and minerals. Multivitamin tablets can help replace these deficient micronutrients.
- Special Age Groups
Each age group has special needs. Particularly at risk are senior members. By the age of 50 years, most of the physiological processes in our bodies begin to slow down. This leads to lower levels of vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin B complex.
As you may already know, vitamin D and calcium are important in bone health. A deficiency in any of them can predispose to serious bone loss in older people, especially postmenopausal women. Thus women in menopause may need multivitamin tablets containing vitamin D and calcium.
Furthermore, our ability to absorb vitamin B12 from the food we eat dwindles as we age. This will inevitably lead to a deficiency in that vitamin. Since we cannot get enough from diet alone, supplementation is a viable option.
- Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
Bringing a new life to this world is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to any woman. But, unfortunately, it also overstretches their physiology. The growing baby in the womb has its nutritional needs, which it can only get from the mother.
Interestingly, pregnancy also comes with other symptoms such as food aversion, reduced appetite, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms can limit dietary intake and lead to the loss of vital nutrients. The resulting nutrient deficiency can be severe.
The same thing may happen during breastfeeding. Breast milk contains all the important nutrients a body needs. These nutrients are obtained from the mother’s body. Therefore, eating a normal diet during breastfeeding can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
Taking multivitamin tablets and other formulations can help provide deficient nutrients. However, you need to be careful because certain multivitamin supplements can be detrimental to the growing baby.
- Being on a ‘Normal’ Diet
A review of diets in different parts of the world reveals almost all have some form of deficiency. For instance, the Asian diet is relatively low in dairy and meat foods. Therefore, those of such diet may lack enough calcium and vitamins from their diet.
Other diets in the world are not better either. For example, consider the diet of the Indian diet across the economic classes. They consume more cereals and fewer proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Thus multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common.
The surest way to obtain all the vitamins you lack in your “normal” diet is to supplement high-quality multivitamin supplements.
- Living in a Toxin-Laden Environment
Our environment today is loaded with toxins. While many companies are trying to be eco-friendly, their efforts are not nearly enough. So, we have no option but to contend with toxins in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.
Top-quality multivitamin tablets have vitamins and other substances in their circulation, which are powerful antioxidants. Such nutrients can detoxify various toxins that cause us to age quickly, reduce our immunity and interfere with our overall wellbeing.
Wrapping It Up
Do not cheat yourself that eating a healthy and well-balanced diet means you can’t have vitamin deficiencies. It’s even worse in case of staple Indian and Asian diet which lack necessary Vitamins. Unfortunately, research has proven that only 10 percent of people in US enjoy perfect health. The same scenario is elsewhere in the world.
If you are uncertain about yours, you should begin to look for ways to correct your nutrient deficiencies. The best way to do so is to start taking multivitamin tablets. The supplements are not only effective but also safe for use by anyone.