
Must know facts of Dental Implants

If you have lost a tooth, whether it broke or as a result of an injury, one of the best ways to keep you smiling again is with a dental implant.

What is a dental implant?

Dental implants interact with the bone of the jaw or skull to support dental prostheses such as crowns and bridges. Generally, they are used as an orthodontic anchor to restore missing teeth. Aside from restoring the aesthetics and functionality of your teeth, it offers many other advantages. So, it helps to learn more about this dental solution to missing teeth.

Facts of Dental Implants

1. Dental implants are virtually as strong as the natural teeth they replace.

Many people think of poor quality whenever they hear the word “artificial.” However, this is not the case for dental implants. In contrast, these dental prosthetics are likened to natural teeth in durability and strength. In fact, implants are regarded as the closest thing in terms of functionality and aesthetics to that of natural teeth.

2. Dental implants are a worthy investment.

Hearing a complicated term always means expensive but little do people know that such things can be cost-efficient. Think of it this way, while you need dentures replaced every 5 years or so, dental implants can endure a lifetime.

This means that you don’t have to spend so much more having your dental prosthetics replaced regularly. All you need to do is maintain your implants the way you do your natural teeth. At the end of the day, it is truly a worthwhile investment.

3. A dental implant is a safe and well-established surgery.

Statistics show that dental implant surgeries have a success rate of 98%. Dental surgeons underwent extensive training and studies to ensure the safety of their patients. They are highly skilled backed by years of training in providing better eating, speaking and smiling experiences for all their patients.

So, if you are worried about this procedure, you don’t have to. It is surely a safe dental procedure.

4. Dental implants have few simple health requirements.

If you want to replace your missing teeth, you are required to have healthy gum tissues. In case you are suffering from any kind of gum disease, you may be asked to treat it first before proceeding to implant surgery.

You should also have a bone in your jaw where the implant will be anchored. If you have incurred some bone loss, you can ask your dentist if you are eligible for a jawbone augmentation. In case you are, you can undergo the implant procedure after the augmentation.

5. The history of dental implants can be traced back to 2000BCE.

Believe it or not, dental implants started in 2000BCE in China where they use bamboo pegs to replace missing teeth. It was in 2500BCE when they started fixing teeth with mechanical structures. Also, in 600AD, the Mayans used seashells as primitive implants. They insert them into the gums using a small hammer.

6. Dental implants are cavity-free.

The natural teeth are made up of enamel that easily reacts and attracts cavities. Comparatively, dental implants are cavity-resistant simply because they are artificial. Having said that, it is no reason why you should neglect caring for your dental implants. Just like your natural teeth, they should also be brushed at least twice daily.

7. Dental implants should NOT be equated to crowns.

Many people think that crowns are implants and vice versa. Essentially, implants are the roots of the crowns. In most cases, a dental implant is taken collectively to mean the metal anchor and the crown together but in reality, it is the metal screw that anchors the crown in place.

8. Dental implants can improve your health.

Some dental experts say that people with missing teeth, and at the same time neglecting this, are at risk of shortening their life by about 10 years. This is under the pretense that without teeth, you cannot enjoy a healthy diet, hence, affecting good health. However, with quality implants, you can eat healthily and diligently just like when your teeth are complete.

9. Dental implants are made of the same material as space shuttles and rockets.

Another believe-it-or-not information about dental implants is that they are made with the same material as rocketships. Space vessels are typically engineered with the strongest and most durable metal known as titanium. And just like them, dental implants are made of titanium screws.

10. Dental implants guard against bone loss.

Jawbone degeneration is very common when you lose a tooth and neglect to restore it. Without anything that it should support, it deteriorates. When you opt for dental implants, your jawbones will have something to support, hence, it remains to withstand all your dental activities.

11. Dental Implants Eliminate Embarrassment.

Who would not be embarrassed to smile with a missing tooth?

When you go for a dental prosthetic to replace your missing tooth, you will also revive the vitality of your oral structures. By doing so, there’s no reason for you to shy away. You don’t have to feel embarrassed and simply smile and flash those pearly whites.

12. Dental implants offer longer longevity.

If you are looking for a long-lasting solution to missing teeth, choose dental implants. They are supported by titanium crews as roots anchoring quality resin for tooth crowns. With proper maintenance and cleaning, you can be sure that your implants will last a lifetime.

13. Many dental implants are stain-resistant.

Just as dental implants are cavity-resistant, they are likewise stain-resistant. They retain their colour even after several years had passed. Red wine, coffee, and other heavy-coloured food and beverages will not leave any visible stains on your implants.

14. Dental implants are less painful than pulling a tooth.

Dental implant surgeries offer exactness and preciseness, hence, pain is tolerable. Pulling a tooth, on the other hand, is removing a structure that has been there for years making every part of your oral orifice adjust to the hollowness that the pulled tooth will leave. This makes it a painful experience not just for you but also for the little structures inside your mouth.

15. Dental implants are for all ages.

Dental implants do not have any age requirement. If your dentist deems fit that you are a good candidate for an implant, he or she would recommend it to restore the beauty and functionality of your teeth.


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