Fever in Children: Common Causes and When to Seek Medical Help

Fever in Children is very common. Their body continuously adjusts to the changes in growth and development. And sometimes, they become unwell. Having a fever is often not a cause for concern. But it should never be taken lightly since it can be a sign of something more serious. Here’s what parents need to know about fever in children and when they should worry.
Understanding Fever in Children
Fever is characterized by high body temperature. The temperature reading for every child may differ. But generally, Children fever are considered when their body temperature exceeds 37.5 Celcius or 99.5 Fahrenheit.
When to determine whether the child has a fever or not will also depend on how the temperature was taken. For example, if the reading was taken rectally, fever is considered when the body temperature is 38 Celcius or higher.
The time of the day is also a factor to take into account when taking a body temperature. It is often the highest in the afternoon.
Possible Causes of Fever
Fever is common but it can be caused by several factors. While trying to get the temperature down is the priority, it is also important to understand what caused it in the first place. Here are the possible causes of fever in children:
Respiratory Infections
This is the most common cause of fever in children. Respiratory infections may include colds and flu. Fever is often associated with other symptoms such as coughing, fatigue, headache, runny nose, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and watery eyes.
When to see a doctor?
When the fever is caused by respiratory infections, it is crucial to be aware of the signs when it is best to bring them to the doctor.
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty breathing
- Wheezing sound when exhaling
- Excessive vomit
- Unresponsive
Ear Infections
This is a common problem in children. The infection may follow an allergy or flu. Ear infections may also show symptoms other than fever. This includes difficulty hearing, severe ear pain, fluids draining from ears, and swollen lymph nodes.
When to see a doctor?
Do not delay and see a doctor as soon as possible when the child shows signs of ear infection as they will antibiotic treatments.
This is another condition that may cause fever in children. Gastroenteritis is caused by an inflammation in the stomach or intestines. This can be a result of viral or bacterial food poisoning. In worst cases, this can be due to intestinal parasites.
Other than fever, children with gastroenteritis may also experience abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and mild diarrhea.
When to see a doctor?
- Severe abdominal pain
- Showing signs of dehydration
- Blood or a greenish tinge in the vomit
- Blood or pus in stool
- Yellow tinge in the eyes or skin
- Severe vomiting or diarrhea
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
This does not only happen in adults but in young children too. Aside from fever, a child may also complain of a burning sensation while peeing, frequent urge to pee, and abdominal pain. Dark-colored urine with a strong odor are common sign of a UTI.
When to see a doctor?
In cases of UTI, it is best to get a child checked by their doctor as soon as the signs appear. A series of tests will be done and medications might be needed to clear the infection.
Fever in children should not be taken lightly. This may seem like a minor problem, but it can be caused by something more serious. To ensure the safety of a child, look into the visible signs and talk to their doctor as soon as possible.
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